Battery Charging
Completely charging wet cell deep-cycle
batteries requires the battery voltage to be
raised beyond what is known as the gassing
point. This is the voltage at which the battery
begins to bubble and gas is given off. If
charging stops short of this point, sulfate is left
on the plates and deterioration of the battery
begins. The gassing point will vary with battery
At 77 °F, the gassing point of a 12-volt
battery is about 14.0 volts.
AGM and Gel cell batteries must not be
charged to their gassing point. In fact, high-
voltage charging that gasses these batteries is
harmful to them. They typically require a lower
bulk charge voltage and a higher float voltage
than wet cell batteries. Consult the battery
manufacturer for specifications.
Freedom Battery Chargers
Freedom battery chargers are designed
to overcome the limitations of conventional
chargers by utilizing three distinct charge
stages, each designed for optimal charging of
wet, gel cell and AGM deep-cycle batteries.
Battery type selection is made on the front
panel of the inverter/charger or through the
Freedom Remote Control Panel or Link Instru-
mentation. For more information on battery
type selection, see page 7 or refer to the
Freedom Remote Control Panel manual.