975-0545-01-01 47
Troubleshooting Reference
This chapter provides you with troubleshooting tips to identify and solve
most problems that can occur with the Freedom SW 3000.
This chapter is divided into the following four sections:
General Troubleshooting Guidelines
This section will help you narrow down the source of any problem you may
encounter. Please read the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Check for a Warning or Fault message on the SCP. See “Warning
Messages” on page 49 and “Fault Messages” on page 50 for
descriptions of these messages and the specific actions to take. If a
message is displayed, record it before doing anything further.
2. As soon as possible, record on the form, “Information About Your
System” on page 69, the conditions at the time the problem occurred.
These details should include the following as well as any other
information asked for on page page 4:
• Loads the Freedom SW 3000 was running or attempting to run
• Battery condition at the time of failure (voltage, state of charge,
for example), if known
• Recent sequence of events (for example, charging had just
finished, we disconnected shore power as were preparing to leave
the RV park, but the inverter didn’t come on)
• Any known unusual AC input factors such as low voltage or
unstable generator output
• Extreme conditions which may have existed at the time
(temperature, vibrations, moisture, for example).
3. Attempt the solution indicated in Table 8 or Table 9.
Section Page Number
General Troubleshooting
See page 47.
Warning Messages See page 49.
Fault Messages See page 50.
Inverter Applications (Loads) See page 54.