Battery type Truecharge+ equalizes only flooded lead-acid batteries. It does not
equalize sealed lead-acid batteries since they can be damaged by this
process. If the battery type selector is set for Gel or AGM, and you try to
equalize them, the indicator lights on the front panel flash but
Truecharge+ does not enter equalization mode.
Duration Equalization is manually terminated when the specific gravity in each cell
is about 1.265 and remains constant at that level. Truecharge+
automatically exits the equalization mode after six hours, whatever the
specific gravity, in the event you cannot terminate the equalization
Battery charge
Equalization is only performed on fully-charged batteries. If they are not
charged, the first part of the process is similar to the absorption charge
and ensures the battery is fully charged.
Recommended Xantrex recommends that you run a normal charge cycle on the batteries
before you equalize them. While Truecharge+ will charge discharged
batteries as part of the equalization cycle, it does not indicate when the
charging has finished and the equalization begins. It is a recommended
practice to only equalize batteries which are fully charged.
Performing An Equalization
CAUTION Risk of battery damage
Truecharge+ cannot automatically determine when to stop
the equalization of a battery. You must monitor the battery
specific gravity throughout equalization to determine the
end of the equalize cycle. The six hour time-out is intended
as a safety feature but may not be sufficiently short to
prevent battery damage.
WARNING Explosion hazard
During equalization, the battery generates potentially
flammable gases. Follow all the battery safety precautions
listed in this guide. Ventilate the area around the battery
thoroughly and ensure that there are no sources of flame or
sparks in the vicinity