3–6 975-0251-01-01
Idle Sensitivity (Switch #5 and 6) Most installations will be connected to the
electrical system. With no appliances turned on, this represents a small load. This
is due to the capacitance of the wires. Using a trial and error process, the idle
circuit can be adjusted until the unit will detect small loads but still drop into idle
mode when all loads are shut off.
Some small loads may not pull the unit out of idle mode. In this case, you may
disable the idle circuit or use an additional load, such as a small incandescent
light, to first activate the idle circuitry. You can confirm if the unit is in idle mode
by checking the DC Amps bar graph, the lowest LED goes out only when the unit
is in idle mode.
A volt meter can also be used to confirm the idle condition. Idle mode output
voltage will typically measure between 10 and 55 volts with an averaging AC volt
meter. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for a discussion of measuring inverter
output voltage with a meter.
Power Sharing (Switch #7 and 8) These switches should be set to match the
value of the circuit breaker which protects the incoming AC power. For instance,
in most RV parks or marinas a 15-amp circuit is available. Use the 2-amp setting
for small generators, or for charging deeply discharged batteries. See page 3–15.
DIP Switch Status
You can check the position of the DIP switches by quickly cycling the power
switch off and on twice. The DC Volts bar graph will cease to display battery
voltage and will indicate the setting of each DIP switch. In this mode the bottom
LED will illuminate if switch 1 is on, etc. DIP switch settings are indicated for 10
seconds after which time the display returns to indicating battery voltage.
DIP Switch Programming
Table 3-2
DIP switch function and position summary
Feature Switch Number Set Point
Equalize or 3-Stage
Toggle On/Off Equalize (Do not leave on.)
Off 3-Stage Charging*
**Battery Type
On On Warm Gel Cell (>27 °C)
Off On Cool Gel Cell (<27 °C)
On Off Warm Wet Cell (>27 °C)
Off Off Cool Wet Cell (<27 °C)*
Auto Charge
On Disable: Charger responds to
On/Off switch.