Xerox 4500 PS TR
The File menu has the following actions available:
Below you will find guidelines to the various options listed on this menu
This function will receive replies from all devices attached to the LAN
The Discover command is also available via the toolbar - look for the icon with
the flashlight on it. When you have selected LAN as the download method
(see below), the discovery function will receive a reply from the device without
any prior configuration.
The discover function puts a heavy burden on network
traffic - so use it with care.
The Refresh command performs a sequential query for all the existing
devices on the LAN - i.e. will not see new devices. Allow some time for
this process to finish.
Rather use the Refresh command than the discover
operation, to ensure low network traffic if you only need to
refresh the device status
“Select Adaptor..”
Allows you to switch between different locally installed adaptors.
Allows you to download a file to the PrintServer
When downloading.............
You need to select a target port for download
Refresh status on existing devices (no new devices)
Discover command for new devices on the LAN
Open an existing configuration file
Switch among various adapters installed locally