Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System Appendix
Printer Operator Guide A-3
Calculate Offset Specification and Logical Page Size Values
The following sample procedure uses the following hypothetical paper stock width, logical page
size (image area) and DPI settings:
• Paper Stock Width: 8.3 in (457 mm)
• Logical Page Size (image area): 5.6 in (142 mm) x 12 in (305 mm)
• DPI: 300x300
To Calculate Logical Page Size Width
Multiply the width of the logical page size in inches by the DPI:
5.6 x 300 + 500 = 1680 = Logical Page Size Width
To Calculate Logical Page Size Height
Multiply the height of the logical page size in inches by the DPI:
12 x 300 = 3600 = Logical Page Size Height
To Calculate Offset Specification X-direction
1. Multiply the width of the paper stock in inches by the DPI:
8.3 x 300 = 2490
2. Divide the number calculated in the previous step by 2:
2490 / 2 = 1245
3. Divide the Logical Page Size Width already calculated by 2:
1680 / 2 = 840
4. Subtract the number calculated in step 2 by the number calculated in step 3:
1245 - 840 = 405 = Offset Specification X-direction
To Calculate Offset Specification Y-direction
This value is always equal to 0.
When finished with all calculations...
Add 500 dpi to the Logical Page Width:
1680 + 500 = 2180 = New Logical Page Width
Subtract 200 dpi from the Offset Specification X-direction:
405 - 200 = New Offset Specification X - direction
The Logical Page Settings should match the graphic below: