VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-67
Dispatch Rule files
All rule files must have a file extension of .rule and must be placed in the
X:\xvtp\dispatch\rules\ directory for the application to find them and for editing. X is the
disk drive where VIPO was initially installed.
To edit Dispatch Rule files, click the Edit drop-down menu and select the Dispatch Rules
option. Some sample rule files are provided with this installation and can be used as a
template to create your own customized rule files.
The following are defaults and limits imposed on Dispatch Rule settings.
Always use the GUI editing facilities to modify rule files because doing
manual edits may introduce errors in the file that can result in
unpredictable behavior.
Key name Factory defaults Maximum length or value
RuleName Rule Filename 75 characters
Invalid characters:
\ / : * ? < > | ' ` ~ ! $ ^ & , ; % # = + @ ”
RuleVars <empty> (optional) Variable Name: 25 characters
Invalid characters:
\ / : * ? < > | ' ` ~ ! $ ^ & , ; % # = + @ ”
blank space
Variable Value: 70 characters
Invalid characters:
* ? < > | ' ` ~ ! ^ & , ; = +
(There is a maximum of 25 Name/Value
DataFileTemplate <empty> (optional) Field Name: 25 characters
Invalid characters:
\ : * ? < > | ' ` ~ ! $ ^ & , ; % # = + @ ”
blank space
Destination File Path: 90 characters
Invalid characters:
* ? < > | ' ` ~ ! ^ & , ; = + @ " blank space
(There is a maximum of 20
FieldName/FilePath sets)