Chapter 5 Care
This chapter contains instructions for replacing the toner cartridge
and toner waste bottle and cleaning the printer surface. It also
lists the supplies needed and the procedure for ordering them.
Chapter 6 Problem solving
This chapter provides the procedures for clearing jams. It contains
status code and error message tables, as well as a general
problem-solving table. For problems you are unable to resolve by
using this manual, it also explains the procedure for placing a call
for service.
Chapter 7 Technical data
This chapter contains product and paper specifications, as well as
space requirements for operation of the printer.
Terminology used in this manual
Whenever the term "printer" appears in this manual, it refers to the
XEROX Wide Format 510dp.
Conventions used in this manual
This manual uses the following conventions:
Boldface characters in a text string refer to selections on the
control panel (for example, "press the Enter key").
WARNING: A WARNING indicates an operation, maintenance procedure,
practice, condition or statement that, if not strictly followed, could
result in personal injury. When included within a procedure,
warnings always precede the step to which they refer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION encourages strict compliance with an operation,
maintenance procedure, practice, condition or statement to
prevent damage to the equipment. When included within a
procedure, cautions always precede the step to which they refer.
NOTE: A NOTE highlights an operating or maintenance procedure, a
condition or a statement.