Parameter Option Description
Advanced Top
Provides the following options:
Offset—Offsets copies of your job
Punch—The values vary according to the type of punch
unit connected. The number of holes is 2, 3, or 4.
Advanced Stacker
Provides the following options:
Offset—Offsets copies of your job
Staples—The position of the staples on the page.
Punch—The values vary according to the type of punch
unit connected. The number of holes is 2, 3, or 4.
Professional Top
Provides the following options:
Offset—Offsets copies of your job
Punch—The values vary according to the type of punch
unit connected. The number of holes is 2, 3, or 4.
Stacker Tray
Provides the following options:
Offset—Offsets copies of your job
Staples—The position of the staples on the page.
Punch—The values vary according to the type of punch
unit connected. The number of holes is 2, 3, or 4.
Booklet Maker
Provides the following options:
Booklet Staple
Near-line finisher Near-line finisher Enables you to select one of the near-line finishing devices,
Duplo DC-645 or DSF-2000
Print order Collated Prints a complete copy of the job before the first page of the
next copy is printed
Reverse print
Sets the print order from back to front
Face up Delivers the job face up
Face down Delivers the job face down
Slip sheet Slip sheets
between copies
Prints slip sheets with your job. If a job is collated, the slip
sheets are printed between sets. If a job is not collated, the
slip sheets are printed between groups.
Tray—Enables you to select the tray on which to print
the slip sheet
Frequency—Enables you to set the number of slip
sheets that you want to print. The default is set to 1.
Image position Same on both
Shifts the image on the sheet's second side (face down
image) according to the shift on the sheet's first side (face
up image)
Rear Enables you to define the sheet's edge near the rear of the
Finishing tab in the job parameters window 107