Specifying print format parameters
4-22 Using LCDS Print Description Language
Establishes a default inks palette that will be used in ink
references when there is no specific palette reference.
Syntax ac:IDR PALETTE = ‘palette’
Default No default
parameter: point
to note
The palette that is identified by this parameter remains in effect
until it is changed by another IDR PALETTE parameter. This also
applies to ink references that are specified by DJDEs.
LINE command
The LINE command provides parameters that define the
characteristics of the user portion of the input data record and
specify how it will be printed.
LINE command parameters
The following table summarizes the LINE command parameters.
Table 4-23. IDR PALETTE parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
‘palette‘ Name of the default palette that will be used in ink references in the absence of
a specific palette reference.
Table 4-24. Summary of LINE command parameters
Parameter Specifies Online Offline DJDE
LINE BASELINE Specifies the method of calculation for the
baseline position of the character that is being
LINE BLANKTYPE Specifies whether or not the “shift in” and “shift
out” codes are printed as blank spaces.
LINE DATA Defines the user portion of the input record. Y Y Y
LINE FCB Specifies whether to suppress or process the
forms control buffer that is transmitted from the