Xerox Nuvera Paper Guide
Glossary of paper terms
Glossary Term Definition
additives Minerals, chemicals, sizing, and dyes added to paper pulp or coatings to improve the
paper’s performance and appearance.
basic size In the United States, the standard sheet size for a particular grade of paper.
basis weight In the United States, the weight of a ream of paper cut to a specified size, expressed
in pounds. In most other countries, basis weight is expressed as the number of grams
per square meter of paper.
binder A material added during papermaking that causes paper fibers to adhere to one
another, or coating to adhere to paper.
blister An elevated part of a sheet’s surface or coating caused by air or steam that is trapped
between the sheet and its surface.
bond paper A durable writing or printing paper commonly used for letterheads, business forms
and correspondence.
brightness A paper’s ability to reflect light on a scale from 0 to 100. Brightness enhances contrast
in printed images.
bristol Stiff, heavyweight paper (200–500gsm), 6 pts. or thicker that is commonly used for
index cards and file folders.
buckling Repeated folds that occur when a sheet is being forced forward in the paper path but
can go no further.
C1S, C2S Abbreviations for coated on one side of a sheet and coated on two sides.
caliper A North American measurement of paper thickness, expressed as “points,” which are
thousandths of an inch.
A paper with an impact-sensitive coating that is used to produce multiple copies.
Coated paper that is dried under pressure against a solid surface to produce a high
gloss finish. They are often made for high ink receptivity.
chaff Small pieces or shreds of paper.
coated paper A paper with a surface coating on one or both sides that produces a smooth finish.
conditioning Allowing paper to stand, unopened, in the print room until the paper temperature
matches the room temperature, to prevent jamming and image shift.
contamination Paper dust or other foreign materials in the press that can cause jamming, image
quality problems and fuser wraps.