Table of contents
Laser safety iii
Ozone information iii
Operation safety iv
Introduction vii
About this guide vii
Contents vii
Conventions viii
Related publications ix
1. Calling for service 1-1
Information to have on hand when calling for service 1-1
Enabling and disabling the modem for remote service 1-2
Preparing your system for remote service 1-2
Enabling your modem 1-3
Disabling your modem 1-3
2. Clearing paper misfeeds and jams 2-1
Clearing a feeder tray fault 2-2
Frequent misfeeds 2-4
Clearing paper jams 2-6
Job recovery 2-9
Printer jam clearance areas 2-9
Clearing paper jams from areas 1 and 1A 2-10
Clearing paper jams from areas 2 and 2A 2-12
Clearing paper jams from area 3 2-14
Clearing paper jams from area 4 2-15
Clearing paper jams from area 5 2-17
Clearing paper jams from areas 6 and 6A 2-19
Clearing paper jams from area 7 2-20
Clearing paper jams from area 8 2-21
Clearing paper jams from area 9 2-22
Clearing stacker tray paper jams (dual stacker) 2-23
Clearing stitcher/stacker paper jams (areas A and B) 2-24
Clearing bypass transport paper jams 2-25
Adjusting dual stacker tray scuffer arms 2-26
3. Correcting stacker problems 3-1