COLOR MATERIALS USAGE GUIDE Visit our website at www.xerox.com 17
Conditioning paper
If the paper is moved from a storage area to a location with a
different temperature and humidity, the paper should be conditioned
to the new location before it is used.
All materials used in the copier/printer must be conditioned to the
temperature/humidity of the room containing the copier/printer for
optimum performance.
Paper Put paper in the same room as the copier/printer the night before it
is used in the copier/printer.
Transparencies Leave transparencies in the same room as the copier/printer for 24
hours before they are used in the copier/printer.
Label stock Condition label stock for 72 hours in the copier/printer area before it
is used in the copier/printer.
Separating the cartons or reams of paper (or boxes of
transparencies or labels) from each other can accelerate the
conditioning of materials.
Do not unseal the reams of paper until you are ready to load them
into the machine.