O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Baum USA
1660 Campbell Rd.
Sidney, OH 45365, USA
Phone: 800-543-6107
Fax: 937-492-7280
P a r tner Level: Member
Partnership Years: 8
Tabletop and floor model folding machines, paper drills, cutters, bookletmakers,
perfect binders and collators
Baum is a manufacturer and distributor of a wide variety of bindery and finishing
machines to meet the needs of several markets including direct mail, in-plants,
commercial, small and larger printers, government agencies, schools and more.
We have over (86) years experience with these markets. We also provide special
solutions for special applications with our own in house Design Engineering department.
Our complete line of tabletop and floor model folders offers a broad selection of
solutions to meet short to long-run requirements.
Banner American
Products, Inc.
42381 Rio Nedo
Temecula, CA 92590, USA
Phone: 909-296-9780
Fax: 909-296-9790
P a r tner Level: Member
Partnership Years: 2
Foliant laminator and separator
Banner American Products is a leading U.S. manufacturer of thermal laminating machines
for paper products. Banner American’s laminators are used for the lamination of ID cards
and badges, catalogue sheets, diagrams, menus, photographs, digital color copies, etc.
The machines are used by industry, government agencies, schools, print shops, most any
organization which has a need to protect paper items in plastic. Banner American has
received a Xerox validation on the 520HP Foliant Series Laminator and Separator.
The validation is being hailed as an important milestone for those seeking to laminate
graphic output from digital color copiers/presses. Laminating output from digital color
copiers/presses has in the past been difficult due to heavy toner coverage, the use of
fuser oil, and short drying times due to print on demand requirements. With the advent
of new films and new laminators such as the 520HP Foliant Series, output from these
copiers and presses can now be successfully laminated.