Function Selection via the Line
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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8.5. Defining a Permanent Escape Character
The paragraph "Defining a Temporary Escape Char acter", only described
the saving of the escape character in the temporary memory .
If you wish to define and save a permanent escape character in the printer,
you will have to use Function 48, Select Perma nent Escape Character, and
immediately save the settings in the permanent memory . See the description
of Y48 in either XES or PCL.
If the character used in Function 48, Select Permanent Escape
Character, is different from the one specified as temporary escape
character, the latest specified character will take precedence immedi-
An example of the commands defining the permanent escape charac ter is
shown below.
&&??% &&??%
%Y48,08% %Y48,4C%
>X1 >X1
Syntaxes of the command strings defining the permanent escape character to be 08
(the character ">") instead of the temporary escape character "%".
8.6. Removing Permanent Escape Character
If you wish to remove the permanent escape character , you will have to
follow the procedure below:
1. Set Function 48, Select Permanent Escape Character, to "00" (No
escape character).
2. Define a new temporary escape character as described in "Defining a
Temporary Escape Character".
3. Save the settings using the command "<ESC> X1".
Examples of these commands are shown below.