Page 5-6 Xerox CopyCentre C20, WorkCentre M20 and WorkCentre M20i User Guide
Enter a Mail Subject
Select a File Type
Press Start
Mail Subject displays.
¾ Enter a subject for the mailnote
using the Alphabet Keyboard.
¾ Press [Enter].
Mail Subject:
Select File Type displays. Use
this option to select the type of file
you want to send.
¾ Select [PDF] for Portable
document Format, or [TIFF] for
Tagged Image Format.
¾ Press [Enter].
Select File Type
¾ Press [Start] to send the E-mail.
¾ If the display shows [Scan
Another?], load the next original
on the Document Glass and
using the Navigation Keys select
[Yes]. Then press [Enter].
Continue the procedure until all
the originals have been scanned.
¾ Select [No] when all the originals
have been scanned, and press
The E-mail is sent.
Navigation Keys Start