Printer Settings 5-13
Halftone is an array in which dots are placed to simulate colors and shades
of gray. Use the Halftone settings to improve the appearance of pictures and
graphics. A Halftone is chosen automatically when you choose a document
type from the Main tab. However, you can change the Halftone setting to
customize your print job.
You may need to experiment with different Halftone options to determine
which setting is best for a particular picture or graphic.
Click on the appropriate icon to select the type of Halftone desired:
Air Brush Quality is only available with these Paper Types and Print
Quality combinations: Coated paper with High print quality, and Glossy/
Photo paper with High print quality.
Use for
Line Art simple line art and computer
Fine Dither graphic images with significant
detail but limited shading
Air Brush Speed graphic images
Air Brush Quality photographic or highly detailed
Print the 480cx User Guide