Scalability and Flexibility
The scalability and flexibility of FPGAs can be
leveraged by the system architect in multiple ways.
For example, in driver information applications, the
increased usage of LED background lighting in today's
instrument clusters requires sophisticated control of
the individual LEDs to match the exact color and
brightness in OEM specifications.
Based on production variances of the LEDs, along with
varying numbers and arrangements inside the clusters,
achieving high production yields has become difficult
and now requires individual end-of-line programmability,
easily achievable with FPGA technology.
Easy LCD Interfacing
Deployment of hybrid instrument clusters consisting
of various numbers of traditional analog gauges,
with the addition of an LCD TFT display, poses further
challenges to the developer. Built-in support on
-3 generation products for low-swing
differential I/O standards, such as Reduced Swing
Differential Signaling (RSDS), make external
terminating resistors obsolete by simultaneously
simplifying the physical connection between the
FPGA and the display.
Different kinds of display connections, as well as
resolutions, can easily be overcome with the highly
scalable and flexible FPGA approach, covering a
complete range of needs from simple text, to 2D
animation, to graphics-intensive 3D representations.
Hybrid Instrument Cluster
Flexible Graphics Display
Controller System
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