DC and Switching Characteristics
DS610-3 (v2.0) July 16, 2007 www.xilinx.com 21
Product Specification
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Timing parameters and their representative values are
selected for inclusion below either because they are
important as general design requirements or they indicate
fundamental device performance characteristics. The
Spartan-3A DSP FPGA speed files (v1.29), part of the
Xilinx Development Software, are the original source for
many but not all of the values. The speed grade
designations for these files are shown in Ta bl e 15. For more
complete, more precise, and worst-case data, use the
values reported by the Xilinx static timing analyzer (TRACE
in the Xilinx development software) and back-annotated to
the simulation netlist.
Table 16 provides the recent history of the Spartan-3A DSP
FPGA speed files.
Table 15:
Spartan-3A DSP v1.29 Speed Grade Designations
Device Preview Advance Preliminary Production
-4, -5
-4, -5
Table 16:
Spartan-3A DSP Speed File Version History
Release Description
1.29 ISE 9.2.01i
Production Speed Files for -4 and -5
speed grades
1.28 ISE 9.2i Minor updates
1.27 ISE 9.1.03i
Advance Speed Files for -4 speed