8 www.xilinx.com SP601 Hardware User Guide
UG518 (v1.1) August 19, 2009
Preface: About This Guide
Online Document
The following conventions are used in this document:
Italic font
Variables in a syntax statement
for which you must supply
ngdbuild design_name
References to other manuals
See the User Guide for more
Emphasis in text
If a wire is drawn so that it
overlaps the pin of a symbol, the
two nets are not connected.
Dark Shading
Items that are not supported or
This feature is not supported
Square brackets [ ]
An optional entry or parameter.
However, in bus specifications,
such as bus[7:0], they are
ngdbuild [option_name]
Braces { }
A list of items from which you
must choose one or more
lowpwr ={on|off}
Vertical bar |
Separates items in a list of
lowpwr ={on|off}
Angle brackets < >
User-defined variable or in code
<directory name>
Vertical ellipsis
Repetitive material that has
been omitted
IOB #1: Name = QOUT’
IOB #2: Name = CLKIN’
Horizontal ellipsis . . .
Repetitive material that has
been omitted
allow block block_name loc1
loc2 ... locn;
The prefix ‘0x’ or the suffix ‘h’
indicate hexadecimal notation
A read of address 0x00112975
returned 45524943h.
An ‘_n’ means the signal is
active low
is active low.
Convention Meaning or Use Example
Convention Meaning or Use Example
Blue text
Cross-reference link to a location
in the current document
See the section “Additional
Resources” for details.
Refer to “Title Formats” in
Chapter 1 for details.
Blue, underlined text
Hyperlink to a website (URL)
Go to http://www.xilinx.com
for the latest speed files.