A5 Color Check
The color check procedure will help you track instrument color performance
to assure measurement accuracy. Initially, the three patches on the standard
should be measured once a day for a period of 10 days to determine the
reference values. Thereafter, a periodic check (once a week depending on usage)
is all that is required.
Located on the back of the reference standard envelope is a color check label.
The reference data should be recorded there for quick reference.
Reference Data Procedure
To obtain reference values:
1) Clean instrument optics and reference standard if necessary.
2) Calibrate instrument according to procedure in operation manual.
Note: The reference standard is dramatically affected by smudge marks and
dust; and must be kept clean.
3) Select L*a*b* absolute function and desired illuminant/observer.
Note: The selected illum/obs must be the same whenever the color check is
4) Measure the White (1), Blue (2), and Brown (3) patches on the reference
5) Record the L*a*b* values for each color on a piece of paper.
6) Repeat steps 1-5 for 10 days.
White Brown