The factory default mode can be restored if the SP78-200 BCR is
placed into an unusable or unknown configuration.
To restore the factory default mode:
1) Disconnect the BCR from the instrument.
2) Reconnect the BCR to the instrument.
3) Scan the default configuration bar codes shown in the SP78-200 Bar
Code Reader Instruction Sheet (P/N SP78-510).
Does the SP78-200 BCR have power?
* A red light will be visible at the tip of the BCR if it has power.
* Check the connection between the BCR and the instrument. Be
sure the connector is correctly inserted.
* Check the power supply for the instrument. Refer to the instrument
User’s Manual, Troubleshooting section if the instrument does not
have power.
Is the SP78-200 BCR configuration correct?
To restore the factory default mode:
1) Disconnect the BCR from the instrument.
2) Reconnect the BCR to the instrument.
3) Scan the default configuration bar codes.
Does the SP78-200 BCR wavelength of light match the bar code?
The BCR will not read bar codes that are designed to be secure (black
on black.) The optical signal returning from the bar code is not adequate
for measuring the bars and spaces.
Is the SP78-200 BCR being held at the correct angle?
The BCR will operate when held at an angle of 5° to 45°. The
optimum operating angle is from 10° to 30°.