
Voice Mode
Attack (Attack Time)
Set the Attack Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Decay1 (Decay 1 Time)
Set the Decay 1 Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Decay2 (Decay 2 Time)
Set the Decay 2 Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
AEG Level
You can set various Level parameters for the Amplitude
Envelope Generator (AEG). Combined with the AEG
Time and AEG Release settings, these can be used
control the change in output level from the moment a
note is pressed on the keyboard to the moment it is
released. You can set different values for each Element.
Init (Initial Level)
Set the Initial Level. (The Level when a key is
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Attack (Attack Level)
This shows the Attack Level. (Fixed at 127.)
Decay1 (Decay 1 Level)
Set the Decay 1 Level.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Sustain (Sustain Level)
Set the Sustain Level.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
AEG Release
You can set Release Time and Release Level parameters
for the Amplitude Envelope Generator (AEG).
Combined with the AEG Time and AEG Level settings,
these can be used control the change in output level
from the moment a note is released. You can set
different values for each Element.
Time (Release Time)
Set the Release Time.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
AEGíRelease) Time Level
EL1234 127 (0)
AEGíLevel) Init Attack Decay1 Sustain
EL1234 127 (127) 127 0
Element Amplitude
You can set Amplitude parameters to affect the output
level of each Element. The following seven screens are
AEG VelSens (AEG Velocity Sensitivity)
AEG Time
AEG Level
AEG Release
AMP KeyFlw (AMP Key Follow)
AMP Scale (AMP Scale Break Point)
AMP Scale (AMP Scale Offset)
AEG VelSens (AEG Velocity Sensitivity)
You can set the sensitivity of the Amplitude Envelope
Generator (AEG) to note velocity.
Set the sensitivity of the AEG’s Level (its
effectiveness) to note velocity. A positive setting will
cause larger output level changes for notes played
harder and smaller changes for notes played more
softly. A negative setting will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~+63
Set the velocity sensitivity of the AEG’s Time
parameters. Use Knob [2] to select the Segment,
then use Knob [1] to set its Time parameter. Positive
Time settings will play back the specified Segment
faster and negative values will play it back slower.
Settings (Time): -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Settings (Segment):
Affects the Hold Time/Attack Time/Decay 1 Time
Affects all AEG Time parameters
AEG Time
You can set various Time parameters for the Amplitude
Envelope Generator (AEG). Combined with the AEG
Level and AEG Release settings, these can be used
control the change in output level from the moment a
note is pressed on the keyboard to the moment it is
released. You can set different values for each Element.
AEGíTime) Attack Decay1 Decay2
EL1234 127 127 127
AEGíVelSens) Level Time-Segment
EL1234 +7 +63 attack