Hints and tips
To reduce hob soilage:
• Make sure the bottom of the saucepan
and the cooking area are clean and dry
before cooking begins.
• Ensure saucepans are large enough to
accommodate food to avoid boil overs.
• If possible, wipe up spills and splatters
as they occur, but take care to avoid
steam burns.
• Avoid using a dishcloth or sponge to
clean the hob. These may leave a layer
of soiled detergent on the hob surface
which will burn and discolour the next
time the hob is used.
• Avoid the use of:
• Household detergents and
• Impregnated plastic or nylon pads
that are not described as
suitable for non-stick saucepans.
• Brillo pads, Ajax pads, steel wool
• Chemical oven cleaners, e.g.
aerosols and oven pads.
• Rust stain, bath and sink stain
• Any of the above products may
cause damage to the hob.
• It is dangerous to mix different
cleaning products. The chemicals in
them may react with each other with
hazardous results.
• Soilage from sugar solutions must
be removed from the hob before the
syrup has set otherwise damage to
the hob surface will occur.
• Avoid placing plastic items, foil or
dishes on the hot surface as this will
cause damage to the hob.