Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 59
Note: The 105Se printer has one toggle; the 160S printer has two
The toggle(s) should be positioned to provide even pressure on the media.
Toggles are positioned by sliding them left or right to the desired location.
On the 105Se, the single toggle should normally be positioned over the
center of the media. If your printer has two toggles and you are using
media too narrow to accommodate both toggles, position one toggle over
the center of the media and decrease the pressure on the unused toggle.
If printing is too light on one side, or if thick media is used, you may need
to adjust the printhead pressure. Refer to Figure 23 and follow the
procedure below.
1. Perform a PAUSE Key Self Test (see page 31).
2. Lower the darkness setting until the printing is gray.
3. Loosen the toggle position locking nut(s) located inside the “U”
shaped bracket at the top of the toggle.
4. Slide toggle(s) in the direction of the light printing.
5. Using the knurled adjusting nuts on the shaft(s) of the toggle(s),
increase or decrease spring pressure until the left and right edges of the
printed area are equally dark.
6. Increase darkness to optimum level for the media being used.
7. Retighten the toggle position locking nut(s).
Note: Printhead life can be maximized by using the lowest pressure that
produces the desired print quality.