Printer Configuration
Auto Power Down
Auto Power Down
Possible Values: Off*, 1 Minute Delay … 15 Minute Delay
This feature sets whether the printer will automatically power down and if so, after what period of time of
inactivity. If set to a value other that “Off”, the printer will automatically turn itself off after the specified
number of minutes have passed since the printer last received data or last printed, whichever is longer.
User Language
User Language
Possible Values: English*, French, German
This feature specifies the language to be used when presenting information on the control panel’s LCD Display.
Truncate Lines
Truncate Lines
Possible Values: No*, Yes
This feature specifies what is to be done with data that will not fit within the printable area of the current
Format. The printable area is defined as the printable line length of the print head (approximately 4.1 inches)
minus the area specified by the left and right margin.
When printing text, a value of “No” will cause excess data to be “wrapped around” and printed at the beginning
of the next line. A value of “Yes” will cause the excess data to be discarded.
When printing graphics, excess data will always be discarded.