Unique ZKDU EPL Features
P1059693-001 Rev. A ZKDU User’s Guide 6/4/2013
Unique ZKDU EPL Features
The ZKDU was designed to replace the original Zebra KDU. The KDU was designed to only
operate with a Zebra label printer with the EPL programming language. All the form
interaction was controlled by the printer and the form’s unique programming.
The EPL printer
processes and passes only operator input data and prompts between it and the ZKDU.
form prompts and form data are stored in the printer (and by implication limited only by
printer memory). The ZKDU duplicates the original KDU’s operations.
The ZKDU operating in EPL mode:
• Form Names are case sensitive and are limited to 8 alpha-numeric characters.
(ZPL form names are not case-sensitive).
• Supports up to 100 Variables, 10 (Numeric) Counter Variables, and unlimited use of
the printer optional RTC (Real-Time Clock) Date and Time Variables.
• Starting values for counters can be set by ZKDU operator prompt. ZPL doe not sup-
port this feature.
• The EPL prompt is limited to 40 characters, but only 20 characters can be displayed
in the top row of the ZKDU display.
• The EPL enabled printer reserves a minimum of 3000 bytes (ASCII -non-hexadeci-
mal) for storing operator responses to multi-copy form prompt replies. Each charac-
ter is a byte.
Legacy EPL printer models with cartridge memory have 1500 bytes as is
documented in the EPL programmer’s manual.
• A single print job can have up to 9999 unique print images (for serial number and
operator input) with up to 9999 copies of each unique printed image. For example,
you can print 3 copies of the same unique serial number label and print 5 sets of
those serial number label copies for 15 total labels.
• Runs slightly faster and has fewer memory limitations than ZPL mode.
• Supports multiple language locales. The EPL enabled printer supports codepages
and alternate keyboarding techniques to provide for language character and cur-
rency symbols variations for printing print formats designed for use in North and
South America, and many European locales and languages. In contrast, the ZKDU
only supports the ZPL enabled printer’s default language locale codepage in ZPL
mode. See Configuring Language Locales for the ZKDU on page 20.
Important EPL Commands for Operator Interactive Print Forms
The following EPL commands can be used to add operator prompts and variable data to
control print output with the ZKDU. See the EPL programer’s manual for details.
• PA - Command: Print Automatic - Controls print quantities (sets) and number of
reprints (copies of each set member)
• V - Command: Define Variable - Creates data input variables and user prompts
• C - Command: Counter - Activates counter variables for sequencing numbers. Can
be used as PA command parameters.
• ? - Command: Download Variables - Listed here for reference. The ZKDU sends a
Form Recall followed by this Download Variables command to begin operator
prompts and data input. The ? - Command is shown in several programing exam-
ples for other commands and can provide insight into the operation of the ZKDU.