Cut and Present Commands
10/19/2009 TTP 8000 Technical Manual P1003638-003
<ESC><FF><n> ejects the document through the presenter module. Variable n represents the
eject-length in steps. The setting of parameter n47 is always added to the eject n in all forms
of eject.
The range for n is 1 to 127 mm. The range 128-255 is reserved for future use.
Place this command after a cut command (<ESC><RS>) to partially eject the printout to the
customer. Set the eject length so that the customer sees that the printout comes out of the kiosk
wall. The pull-detector gives motorized eject of the rest of the printout when the customer
pulls the paper.
Same function as ENQ but overrides the Retract and Retain parameter (p45) with another
presenter behavior. The function of n can be 0 to 255 0-99 ejects while 100-255 retracts (see
the description of parameter 45). The command will clear the presenter immediately (with
printing synchronization).
Clear the paper-path in the presenter of printouts. For example, to eject a document not
removed during the previous print/cut/eject operation. Parameter No. 45 controls how the
presenter is cleared, see parameter 45 on page 83.
Eject (run presenter)
1B 0C n1 hex
27 12 n1 decimal
Note • The cut and eject command <RS>, automatically give the eject length of 50 mm in
addition to the factor stored in parameter n47.
Note • The resolution of the sensor is ± 3 mm so small changes in the parameter setting may
not show.
Longer ejects are more accurate than shorter ones because acceleration and retardation of the
rollers affects the eject less. Allow for ± 10 mm variations on short ejects.
EM n
Enforced Clear Presenter
19 n1 Hex
25 n1 Decimal
<EM><0> Ejects the presented page
<EM><100> Retracts the presented page
Clear Presenter
05 Hex
5 Decimal