ES-2048 User’s Guide
Index 303
“standby” ports 125
802.1P priority 79
access control
limitation 177
login account 180
remote management 188
service port 187
SNMP 178
and modes 214
address learning, MAC 91
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 207, 209
administrator password 181
aggregation ID, and trunking 127
aggregator ID 127
aging time 73
alternative subnet mask notation 297
applications 33
backbone 33
bridging 34
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN 35
switched workgroup 34
ARP 207
how it works 207
view 207
automatic VLAN registration 82
back up, configuration file 172
basic setting 67
BPDUs 106
Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) 106
Bridge Protocol Data Units, See BPDUs 106
certifications 2
viewing 2
CFI (Canonical Format Indicator) 81
changing password 52
Class of Service (CoS) 163
syntax conventions 212
cloning a port See port cloning
cluster management 31, 197
and switch passwords 203
cluster manager 202
cluster member 203
cluster member firmware upgrade 200
manager 197
member 197
network example 197
setup 201
specification 197
status 198
switch models 197
VID 202
web configurator 199
Command Line Interface
accessing 211
introduction 211
Command Line Interface (CLI) 211
commands 211
accessing 211
and configuration file 217
and interfaces 233
and multicasting 238
and passwords 213
configuration mode details 224
configure tagged VLAN example 271
enable mode details 219
exit 218
forwarding process example 275
getting help 215
logging in 212
modes 214
modes summary 214
mvr mode details 238
static VLAN table example 275