Dimension ES-3024 Ethernet Switch
6-2 Port Setup
Table 6-1 Port Setup Summary Screen
Port This is the port index number. Click a port link to configure that port.
This field shows whether the port is turned on (Yes) or not (No). The factory default for all ports is
disabled. A port must be enabled for data transmission to occur.
Name This field shows the name that identifies this port.
This field displays 10/100M for an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet connection and Empty if no uplink
module is inserted in the slot. If an uplink module is present, then its type is displayed here.
This field displays the configured speed or Auto of the Ethernet port. Auto means the switch
automatically finds the speed of the attached switch.
This field displays the Ethernet duplex mode, that is full-duplex (Full) or half-duplex (Half) or N/A
when Auto is selected as the speed.
6.2 IEEE 802.1x
IEEE 802.1x is an extended authentication protocol
that allows support of RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial
In User Service, RFC 2138, 2139) for centralized user profile and accounting
management on a network RADIUS
You must enable 802.1x on the switch (see Switch Setup screen) before enabling it on a port.
6.3 Configure 802.1x on a Port
Click a port link in the Port Setup summary screen to enter that port’s configuration screen.
At the time of writing, only Windows XP of the Microsoft operating systems supports it. See the Microsoft web site for
information on other Windows operating system support. For other operating systems, see its documentation. If your operating
system does not support 802.1x, then you may need to install 802.1x client software.
Not available at the time of writing.