ES-4024A User’s Guide
Chapter 12 Bandwidth Control 101
Bandwidth Control
This chapter shows you how you can cap the maximum bandwidth using the Bandwidth
Control screen.
12.1 Bandwidth Control Setup
Bandwidth control means defining a maximum allowable bandwidth for the specified traffic
Click Advanced Application, Bandwidth Control in the navigation panel to bring up the
screen as shown next.
Figure 45 Bandwidth Control
The following table describes the related labels in this screen.
Table 24 Bandwidth Control
Active Make sure to select this check box to activate your rule. You may temporarily deactivate a
rule without deleting it by deselecting this check box.
Name This read-only field displays the name of the classifier you select in the Classifier field.
Specify the maximal bandwidth allowed in kilobits per second (kbps) for this traffic flow.
Enter a number between 1 and 1000000.
Classifier This list box displays the name(s) of the classifier that you configure in the Classifier
Select a name to which to apply this rule.
Add Click Add to inset the entry to the summary table below.