Chapter 50 Multicast VLAN Registration Commands
GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide
• Enter MVR mode. Create a multicast VLAN with the name multiVlan and the VLAN
ID of 3.
• Specify source ports 2, 3, 5 and receiver ports 6-8.
• Specify dynamic mode for the multicast group.
• Configure MVR multicast group addresses by the name of ipgroup.
• Exit MVR mode.
See the following example.
= Specifies dynamic (sends IGMP reports to all source ports in the
multicast VLAN) or compatible (does not send IGMP reports).
group name
= A name to identify the MVR IP multicast group.
= Specifies the starting IP multicast address of the multicast group in
dotted decimal notation.
end-address <ip>
= Specifies the ending IP multicast address of the multicast group in
dotted decimal notation. Enter the same IP address as the start-
address if you want to configure only one IP address for the
multicast group.
sysname(config)# mvr 3
sysname(config-mvr)# name multivlan
sysname(config-mvr)# source-port 2,3,5
sysname(config-mvr)# receiver-port 6-8
sysname(config-mvr)# mode dynamic
sysname(config-mvr)# group ipgroup start-address end-address
sysname(config-mvr)# exit