Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Connections
IES-5106M / IES-5112M / IES-6000M User’s Guide
Figure 32 DSL and VoIP Front Panel Telco-50 Connections (2 Splitter Chassis)
Use a Telco-50 cable to connect the SEC1024’s USER Telco-50 connector on the
rear of the splitter chassis to the CO Telco-50 connector on the rear of an ADSL or
VDSL splitter card.
Alternatively, use a Telco-50 cable to connect the SEC1024s USER Telco-50
connector directly to the Main Distribution Frame when no ADSL/VDSL service is
required (see Section 2.5.3 on page 45).
2.4.4 IES-5106M/IES-5112M Splitter Chassis Rear Panel
Connections (DSL)
A DSL splitter card separates the voice signal from the DSL signal. It feeds the
DSL signals to the DSL line card and diverts the voice signal to the CO Telco-50
connector (or wire wrapping pins) on the splitter chassis’ rear.
Connect the CO Telco-50 connectors to the PBX or PSTN/ISDN switch when using
the ADSL splitter card.
Connect the USER Telco-50 connectors to the subscribers’ telephone wiring. In
most multi-tenant unit applications, the USER pins connect to the subscribers’
telephone wiring via Main Distribution Frame (MDF).
See Section 2.6.4 on page 48 for example splitter chassis rear panel connections.
2.4.5 IES-5106M / IES-5112M Splitter Chassis Rear Panel
Connections (VoIP)
When using the VoIP line card in conjunction with an ADSL or VDSL card and its
associated splitter card(s), connect the VoIP line card’s extension card(s) and the
DSL splitter card(s) as follows.