Chapter 7 WAN
EMG1302-R10A User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 13 Internet Connection: PPP over Ethernet Encapsulation
ISP Parameters for Internet Access
Encapsulation Select PPP over Ethernet if you connect to your Internet via dial-up.
IPv4 / IPv6 Click the drop-down menu to select either an IPv4 Only or dual stack interface.
Enable VID
VID (1~4094) Enter a VLAN identifier between 1 to 4094 (the 802.1Q tag specifies only a priority and
is referred to as a priority tag). In bridge mode, VID 1 (the default VLAN ID) is reserved
for a management VLAN.
PPP Information
PPP Username Enter the user name to use for logging in to the PPP service.
PPP Password Enter the password to associate with the PPP user name (previous field).
MTU Size Enter the Maximum Transmission Units (MTU) in bytes (default: 1454, range: 68 to
PPP Auto Connect Click to enable the PPP auto connect function when the service is disconnected.
IDLE Timeout
Enter a variable (seconds) to designate the timeout period during an idle session.
PPPoE Service
Enter the name to designate the service.
WAN IP Address Assignment
Get automatically
from ISP
Select this option If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address. This is the default
Use Fixed IP
Select this option If the ISP assigned a fixed IP address.
My WAN IP Address Enter your WAN IP address in this field if you selected Use Fixed IP Address.
DNS Server
First DNS Server
Second DNS Server
Select Obtained From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information
(and the EMG1302-R10A's WAN IP address). The field to the right displays the (read-
only) DNS server IP address that the ISP assigns.
Select User-Defined if you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS
server's IP address in the field to the right. If you chose User-Defined, but leave the
IP address set to, User-Defined changes to None after you click Apply. If you
set a second choice to User-Defined, and enter the same IP address, the second
User-Defined changes to None after you click Apply.
Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS
server, you must know the IP address of a computer in order to access it.
WAN MAC Address
WAN MAC Address The MAC address section allows users to configure the WAN port's MAC address by
using the EMG1302-R10A’s MAC address, copying the MAC address from a computer on
your LAN or manually entering a MAC address.
Factory default Select Factory default to use the factory assigned default MAC Address.
Clone the
computer’s MAC
Select Clone the computer's MAC address and enter the IP address of the computer
on the LAN whose MAC you are cloning.
Select this option and enter the MAC address you want to use.