P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
2.1 Overview
This chapter describes:
• How to Set up a Wireless Network on page 33.
• How to Use ATM QoS with Multiple PVCs and Interface Groups on page 43.
• How to Allow Out-of-band Remote Management from the WAN on page 60.
Note: The tutorials featured in this chapter require a basic understanding of
connecting to and using the Web Configurator on your P-2812HNU-51c. For
details, see the included Quick Start Guide. For field descriptions of individual
screens, see the related technical reference in this User's Guide.
2.2 How to Set up a Wireless Network
This tutorial gives you examples of how to set up an access point and wireless
client for wireless communication using the following parameters. The wireless
clients can access the Internet through an AP wirelessly.
2.2.1 Example Parameters
An access point (AP) or wireless router is referred to as “AP” and a computer with
a wireless network card or USB/PCI adapter is referred to as “wireless client” here.
We use the P-2812HNU-51c web screens and M-302 utility screens as an example.
The screens may vary slightly for different models.
SSID SSID_Example3
Security WPA-PSK
(Pre-Shared Key: ThisismyWPA-PSKpre-sharedkey)
802.11 mode IEEE 802.11b/g/n Mixed