PES-1014 User’s Guide
System Parameters C
Load Balancing
Method Selection
Selection MAC address MAC add./port
Choose the load balancing method for the trunks of the
MAC Based Mode
Trunk Confi.
Trunk N/A 1-4 trunks Points out the trunk ports that use the MAC address
based mode
Bit Selection N/A 1,0 / 3,2 / 5,4/7,6 The way MAC address based mode is used to distribute
data to ports
Port Based Mode
Trunk Confi.
Trunk N/A 1-4 trunks Points out the trunk ports that use the Port based mode
Ports N/A 2-4 ports Each trunk port may include 2-4 ports
Port Mapping See 6.3.5. You may map the ports to a port included in a trunk port
Trunk ID N/A 1/6 Select a trunk port ID for setting port mapping
VLAN Status
Edit VLAN Group
Group ID N/A 1-128 groups Select a VLAN group for editing port members
Status N/A enable/disable Make the VLAN group active or not
Group Name N/A 1-32 characters Give a name to each VLAN group (case-sensitive)
Port Members N/A any 2 or more ports Select ports to be included in a VLAN group
Forwarding DB
Edit Static Entries
Entry ID N/A 1-256 entries Choose a static entry ID for editing its status and
Status N/A enable/disable Activates or deactivates the selected static entry
Port/Trunk N/A 1-24 port / 1-6 trunk Assign the entry to a certain port or trunk
MAC Address N/A MAC address Give a MAC address to each entry