• Remote control ID code needs to be learned by
receiver. See Installation section on page 5.
• Incompatible operating system or missing operating
system drivers. See Compatibility and System
Requirements section on page 10.
• Make sure you have installation/administration
privileges on your laptop. Ask your network
administrator or computer consultant for assistance.
• Problems with USB port or USB hub. Make sure the
USB receiver is plugged all the way into the port. Try
plugging it directly into the computer instead of using
a USB hub. Do other USB devices work on your
computer? If not, perhaps the USB port is not enabled.
Consult with the manufacturer of the computer.
• Battery problems. Make sure the writing on the
battery is facing up. Check to make sure the battery
compartment cover is fully closed. The battery may be
weak - if the laser beam does not stay on or emits a dim
beam, the battery may need to be replaced. Your
Tote-Remote uses one 3V CR2032 coin cell type lithium
battery. It’s a good idea to keep a spare one on hand.