Avsar Emaye San. Tic A.S. DVD Copy DVD Recorder User Manual

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Copy DVD
Copy DVD work mode is used to copy video DVDs and recompress the DVD video recorded on double-
layer media to fit single-layer discs.
The work with the Copy DVD mode is quite easy. It can be done in several steps:
Select the Source and the Target DVD drive (or hard disk drive folder, if you have your DVD
video on your computer HDD). You might also need to select the folder for the temporary files.
If you copy a DVD having only one disc drive, a temporary image on your computer HDD will
be created to let you record the resulting disc using the same disc drive. In this case please
make sure that you have enough free hard drive disk space available for the created
temporary disc image. Its size could be up to almost 9 gigabytes for a double-layer DVD. You
should also set the target disc size in the appropriate box.
Select the Copy mode . You can either copy the entire DVD with all the menus and extras, or
copy the DVD retaining its structure and menus but removing all the extras, or copy only the
main movie.
Select the necessary Languages and audio streams and remove the unwanted or unneeded
ones. This can enhance the quality of the output video.
When all the settings are selected, press the Start copying! button to begin the DVD copying
process. Its progress will be shown on the progress bar:
in case the source and destination disc drives coincide, the process will be stopped
after the Shrinking source DVD phase, and the program will wait for you to insert
the DVD±R(W) disc so that the copying could be continued.
if you save the output DVD video onto your computer hard disk drive, the copying
process will consist of Opening source DVD and Shrinking source DVD phases
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