Avsar Emaye San. Tic A.S. DVD Copy DVD Recorder User Manual

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Where can I get a registered version of the software or how can I register the software using
the website provided?
Where can I find a boxed version of your software?
Is there a user guide or manual available for this software?
Which operating system I can use AVS DVD Copy with?
Where can I get a registered version of the software or how can I register the software
using the website provided?
Use the windows Start menu to register AVS DVD Copy . Go to Start menu -> All Programs ->
AVS Media -> AVS DVD Copy -> Register AVS DVD Copy , enter your Registration name and
Serial number that you received during registration.
It is important to enter your name (Registration Name ) exactly as you did it at purchase, because
"John Doe" and "John A. Doe" or "JOHN DOE" are not the same thing.
The simplest way is to copy the Registration name and the Serial number from your registration
letter and to paste them to the appropriate boxes of the registration window. This is ESPECIALLY
important if you have Unicode characters in your name.
To do this:
highlight your registration name in your registration letter, received from us and right-click it;1.
select "Copy" in the right-click menu;2.
move the cursor to the appropriate box in the registration window of the AVS DVD Copy ;3.
right-click the the box and select "Paste" from the menu. Do the same with the serial number.4.
Some tips to remember:
Make sure that there is no space before and after the registration name and serial number.1.
Make sure that you are not mistaking the letter "O" for the figure "0" (zero).2.
Internet connection is necessary to complete the registration. Make sure your computer has
access to Internet, otherwise you won't be able to register the software!
You might also need to disable your antivirus or firewall or make sure that the AVS DVD Copy
program is allowed to access the Internet.
If you are sure that you are entering a correct login-serial number combination, please visit our
Registration Help Page to receive immediate help.
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Where can I find a boxed version of your software?
AVS DVD Copy is not sold in boxed version. You can download and install the program from our web
site - www.avsmedia.com .