Video Display Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 6
This VD Client application accepts four different types of display
• Voting Results display. This information is generated using the
Parliamentary Voting module (LBB 3575) and the Multi Voting module
(LBB 3576) and consists of a voting motion and the results of the vote
on that motion.
• Message display. This information is generated using the Message
Distribution module (LBB 3582) and consists of a conference-related
text message (e.g. when and where lunch will be, or when tomorrow’s
session will begin).
• Microphone Information display. This information is generated either
using the Microphone Management module (LBB 3570) or the Synoptic
Microphone Control module (LBB 3571). It consists of a list of
delegates whose microphones are active and those waiting to speak.
• Attendance registration display. This information is generated using the
Attendance Registration module (LBB 3578). It consists of information
about how many delegates are absent or present.
NOTE: Display data can only be shown when the DCN software module
which generates the data is running. For example, voting data can only be
supplied when a voting application is active.
NOTE: It is also possible to display DCN conference information using
numeric displays, alphanumeric displays and geographic displays. For more
information, please refer to the user manual for Text/Status Display
(LBB 3583).
Video Display is unlike all other DCN modules in that there is no user
action required to operate it. It carries out its function - interfacing the
DCN software with video displays - automatically. This document is
therefore not a user manual but a reference manual. It gives information on
default settings, installation and examples of typical displays containing
microphone information, messages and voting results.
NOTE: The DDE information which is available within the DCN system is
described in the DCN External Interfaces document (3922 988 5101X).