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Remote control – cont.
• Raises or lowers the volume of the current source.
• Pressing + restores muted sound from the current source.
• Pressing – lowers the volume of the current source, but does not restore
muted sound.
• Skips to the next or previous TV channel,* CD track, or DVD chapter.
• Stops the disc player.
For DVDs only
, the disc stops and the system saves the DVD play posi-
tion. Pressing
continues the DVD from the saved play position.
twice for a disc in play returns to the beginning of the disc.
• Pauses a currently playing disc.
• Pressing
again (or pressing ) resumes play of a paused disc.
• After 20 minutes of no user interaction, the disc player stops and returns
to the beginning of the disc to wait for the next command.
• Starts the disc player.
• Skips backward or forward through CD tracks.
• Skips backward or forward through DVD chapters.
• Seeks backward or forward to the next strongest radio station.
• Plays audio CD tracks in random order. Press again to cancel this mode.
• Starts instant replay (
) for DVR (if supported).
• Repeats a CD, CD track, DVD chapter, or DVD title. Press again to
change the repeat mode.
• Initiates Quick Skip and/or Return to Live (
) for DVR (if supported).
• Provides a means for selecting a CD track, DVD chapter, radio station
preset, or TV channel.
• Allows you to change numerical values for some menu options.
• Displays or exits the TV, cable, satellite box, or VCR/DVR information on
your TV screen.*
• During MP3 play, removes or restores track information on the media
center display.
• Skips to the previous TV channel (if supported by your TV).
• Skips ahead (Page up) or back (Page down) one page in the Electronic
Program Guide (if supported).
* Requires special remote settings. See “Setting up your remote to control other audio/video devices”
on page 30.