MinLasers 2.0 User Manual 7 August 2011
Laser light - Avoid direct eye contact!
Further guidelines and safety programs for safe use of lasers can be found in the ANSI
Z136.1 Standard “For Safe Use of Lasers”, available from the Laser Institute of America:
www.laserinstitute.org. Many local governments, corporations, agencies, military and
others, require all lasers to be used under the guidelines of ANSI Z136.1. Laser Display
guidance can be obtained via the International Laser Display Association:
Laser Emission Data
Laser Classification Class 3R
Green Laser Medium DPSS Nd:YVO4, 532 nm
Red Laser Medium LD GaAIAs, 650 nm
Beam Diameter <5mm at aperture
Pulse Data All pulses < 4 Hz (>0.25 sec)
Divergence (each beam) <2 mrad
Divergence (total light) <160 degrees
Laser Power of Each
Beam from Aperture*
<5 mW
*As measured under IEC measurement conditions for classification.
Laser Compliance Statement
This laser product complies with EN/IEC 60825-1 Ed 2, 2007-03, and US FDA/CDRH
FLPPS via the terms of Laser Notice No. 50 dated June 24, 2007. This laser device
is classified 3R. (Class 3R is the international equivalent of US Class IIIa). No
maintenance is required to keep this product in compliance with laser performance