Curtis Mathes CM 19033S CRT Television User Manual

Connecting to a CaMe Box that Descrambles AA Channels
Find the cable that is con-
nected to the /
OUT terminal on your
-,4 This terminal might be labeled
"ANT OUT," "VHF OUT," o1 simply,
Cobnect the other end of
tbiscabletotheVH[/UH[ /_ \ (_
antenna termina! on the
Connecting to a Cable Box that Descrambles Some Channels
If yo111-('able box descramb]es on] 7 some channels (sll('h as premillm channels), f_]]ow the
instructions below. You wi]] need a two-way splitter, an RF (A/B) switch, and f_ur lengths of
('oaxia] cable. (These items are available at most electronics stores.)
FindanuUlSconnectthe ( :
cab e that s connected to _4ANTENNA
the ANTENNA IN _ ,qp,,,,,L{ IN
terminal on your cable _. _ " ;
This terminal might be labeled
"ANT IN," "VHF IN," or simply,
Connect this cable so a
two- Na) splitter.
Connect a coaxial cable
between an OUTPUTter-
mina on[ne splitter and Incoming
Cable _
the INterminal onthe Splitter
CaD e DOX. Cable Box
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