DW5255M*(Micro-controller & West/East Teletext Decoder)
DW5255RM*(Micro-controller & Cyrillic Teletext Decoder)
=SDA5255-A*** (SIEMENS Type No.)
(1) General Description
The TDA5255 contains a slicer for VPS and TTX, an accelerating acquisition hardware module, a display
generator for “LEVEL 1” TTX data and a 8 bit u-controller running at 333 nsec cycle time.
The controller with dedicated hardware guarantees flexibility, does most of the internal processing of TTX
acquisition , transfers data to/from the external memory interface and receives/transmits data via I2C and
UART user interfaces.
The Slicer combined with dedicated hardware stores TTX data in a VBI 1Kbyte buffer.
The u-controller firmware does the total acquisition task (hamming- and parity -checks,
page search and evaluation of header control bits) once per field.
(2) Feature
- feature selection via special function register
- simultaneous reception of TTX and VPS
- fixed framing code for VPS and TTX
- programmable framing code window for TTX
- Acquisition during VBI
- direct access to VBI RAM buffer
- Acquisition of packets x/26, x/27, 8/30 (firmware)
- assistance of all relevant checks (firmware)
- 1-bit framing-code error tolerance (switchable)
- features selectable via special function register
- 50/60 Hz display
- level 1 serial attribute display pages
- blanking and contrast reduction output
- 8 direct addressable display pages
- 12 x 10 character matrix
- 96 character ROM (standard G0 character set)
- 143 national option characters for 11 languages
- 288 characters for X/26 display
- 64 block mosaic graphic characters
- 32 free addressable characters for OSD in expanded character ROM + 32 inside OSD box
- double height (TOP/BOTTOM)
- conceal/reveal
- transparent foreground/background -inside/outside of a box
- cursor (colour changes from foreground to background colour)
- flash (flash rate 1s)
- programmable horizontal und vertical sync delay
- hardware assisted fast display page erase
- full screen background colour in outer screen
display synchronization to sandcastle or Horizontal Sync (HS) and Vertical Sync (VS) with startstop-oscillator or
display synchronization to sandcastle or Horizontal Sync and Vertical Sync with external clock
independent clock systems for acquisition, display and controller