© 2008 Directed Electronics. All rights reserved.
LCD 2-way remote operation
The remote start system operates at 434 MHz and incorporates Directed’s proprietary A.S.K. out-board two-way
remote. The high frequency combined with Binary Data communication achieves superior range with two-way
➤ Paging features
The control module sends a page to the remote as confirmation of a received command, or alarm system status.
When the remote receives a page a notification, it beeps or vibrates and the alarm status, armed or disarmed, (the
lock or unlock icon) appears on the LCD. If the alarm has been triggered, the remote LC displays the zone trig-
gered. To clear the alarm page, press any button on the remote. The LCD information is also cleared.
Note: You will not be able to send a command, until the
alarm page is cleared.
➤ Warn away
response description
A Warn Away
Response consists of an alarm page along with the responses described below.
Shock Sensor - Light impacts to the vehicle will ash the vehicle lights and chirp the siren for a few sec-•
Remote Control Notification - Ten quick beeps (or one vibration).•
Remote Control LCD - The full trigger alert icon (28) will dimly illuminate for two seconds•
The remote will enter Page Recognition Mode and operate alarm page alerts.•
Note: Icons 13 and 14 represent alarm system zone inputs. For more
information about icons and the zones they represent refer to the Stan-
dard Remote Configurations section.
➤ Triggered response description
A Triggered Response can be activated by any of the triggers listed below and consists of an alarm page along
with the response described for each trigger. The default Triggered Response duration is 30 seconds but can be
programmed from 1-180 seconds by your installer with the Directed Bitwriter
Sensor Trigger - Heavy impacts to the vehicle will instantly sound the siren and ash the lights for the pro-•
grammed duration and report Zone 2.
Door Trigger - If a door is opened the siren will chirp for three seconds, then the siren will sound and the lights •
will ash for the programmed duration and report Zone 3. The three seconds allow the user time to disarm
the system with a minimum of noise should a door be opened inadvertently while the system is armed.