DirecTV GAEB0 Satellite TV System User Manual

Using program guides 27
Using program guides 5
This chapter describes:
The different program guide styles (see page 27).
Common program guide and menu features (see page 29).
How to use the OneLine
Guide (see page 30).
How to set-up and use the TurboTune
Guide (see page 30).
Selecting a program
guide style
Personalize the program guide to show program listings that interest you.
You determine how your choices appear onscreen by your guide selection.
Available guide styles are:
Grid with Picture-in-Guide or description
Logo with Picture-in-Guide or description
Grid guide
Easy to see what programs are available at a particular time.
Shows two hours of programming divided into 30-minute blocks.
Picture-in-Guide displays the current program in the upper right corner.
Four channels of programming are displayed using Picture-in-Guide.
Cells with arrows indicate the
program started at an earlier time
or continues later than can be
shown in the selected 2-hour
Programs appear in a row with the channel on which they are broadcast.
If a program title cannot entirely
fit in the space provided, an
ellipsis () indicates that a
portion of the title is not shown.
You can browse five channels by turning the Picture-in-Guide off.
Instant Weather byTWC
All Channels
Thu, Jul 4 8:03PM
TODAY 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30
An image of the currently airing
program highlighted in the menu
selection appears here
DIRECTV Pay Per View Previews
DIRECTV Freeview DIRECTV Customer News
Local Forecast Local Forecast
Instant Weather by TWC
All Channels
A detailed description of the selected programming appears here.
Descriptions include names of the stars and co-stars, year produced,
a brief summary of the subject or plot and other information.
Instant Weather by TWC
TODAY 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30
DIRECTV Pay Per View Previews
DIRECTV Freeview
DIRECTV Customer News
Instant Weather by TWC
Wed, Jul 4 10:00PM
DIRECTV Pay Per View Previews
... Previews
... Previews