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Troubleshooting Guide
The Emotiva LPA-1 is expertly designed and built to provide years of trouble-free performance. Most
problems that occur can usually be solved by checking your setup or making sure that the audio and
video components connected to the amplifier are on and fully operational.
The following information will help you deal with common setup problems you may experience during
normal use of your unit. If problems persist, contact your Emotiva Dealer for help.
No Sound (from one or more speakers connected to the LPA-1)
Speaker cables may have come undone. Turn off your system and check the cables, and tighten the
• Speaker cables may have come undone. Turn off your system and check the cables, and tighten the •
ampli er and speaker binding posts.
• Damaged audio cable.
• The preampli er volume level is low for the channels concerned. Recheck the preampli er
calibration procedure.
• A preampli er Mute switch may be on, or an external processor loop or a tape monitor loop is
• Check that your preampli er or source is running the correct surround sound mode. Maybe it is set
for 2-channel stereo when you were expecting 5.1 surround sound.
• Check in case any missing channels have been turned off in a preampli er setup menu. For
example, the center ampli er channel will not receive a signal if the preampli er has been set to
• If the unit is not on, the ON/OFFswitch on the LPA-1 might be in the off position.
• A internal fuse on the unit may have blown. Contact your Emotiva Dealer or AV123 for assistance.
The ampli er shuts down often or the line circuit breaker trips often
• Check that the positive and negative speaker wires are not shorted together.
• Make sure that no speakers are shorted internally. If you have an ohm-meter, disconnect the
speaker wires and measure the resistance between the speaker’s positive and negative terminals.
If the reading is less than 2.66 ohms on a single channel or 8 ohms on channels 6 & 7 when
bridged, the speakers may have an internal short or you have connected several using a parallel
con guration that yields too low an impedance. Measure all speakers and check their impedance
speci cations. If necessary, review the “Series and Parallel Connections” section of this manual.
• If you have connected speakers in parallel, the overall impedance may be too low. It is
recommended that you rearrange the speakers in series to increase the overall impedance, thus
taking some of the load off the ampli er.
• Make sure that the ampli er has good ventilation and is not overheating. Allow good air ow
underneath wherever possible. If the ampli er is in a closed rack, open up the rear panel or use a
quiet fan for improved ventilation.
Poor Bass Performance From Full Range Speakers connected to the LPA-1
• Make sure that your preamp does not have the bass (tone control) level turned down.
• Many surround preampli ers have controls which can direct all the bass to subwoofers, or let your
main speakers play the full range. Make sure that the preampli er has been correctly set. If you are
not using a subwoofer, set the speaker options to “Large” where possible.