FujiFilm EX3.1 DVD Recorder User Manual

Deletes the file in the save destination and saves the data as a new file.
Cancels batch processing.
Leaves the file in the save destination and proceeds to the next step.
Allows you to rename the file.
If you tick this checkbox, a folder is created in which all the images are saved.
If there is already a folder with that name, the images are saved in that folder.
Naming folders
If you tick this checkbox and there is already a file with the same name, that
file is overwritten without any warning being displayed.
You are advised to leave this checkbox blank unless you have a particular
Instructions that can be selected in the overwrite warning screen
If you tick this checkbox, all the original files are deleted. You are advised to
leave this checkbox blank unless you have a reason.
Click the [Browse] button to
change the save destination.
The Same Name
The file’s date is used as the folder name.
The name of the folder containing the original file is used as the
folder name.
Enter the name yourself.
Example where “Overwrite” applies only to file A and the other files are
Save to
File A
File B
File C
File A
File B
File C
Save to
File A
File B
File C
Way of Saving
Specify the save destination for the converted files.
Once you specify the destination and click the [OK] button, the file format is
converted. The same settings are used for subsequent file format conversions.
This function allows you to convert the formats of multiple files at once. You
can use this, for example, when you want to make the file sizes smaller.
Select the thumbnails with the formats you want to convert and specify the
Format Conversion
Select the file type you want to convert.
Exif-JPEG Smaller file sizes/On the Internet
Lowered during
Saved with its Exif data/To retain image
quality and information
Not lowered
during saving
(Windows only)
Standard Windows image file format/For
viewing on other Windows PCs
(Macintosh only)
Standard Macintosh image file format/For
viewing on other Macintoshes
Still Image File Type
Features/Typical Uses Quality
Batch Format Conversion
Only AVI (Motion JPEG) movies shot on a FUJIFILM camera can be converted and saved.
FeaturesMovie File Types
FeaturesMovie File Types
Windows Media video (Normal)
Saves files in a standard Windows file format.
Has lower image quality and smaller file sizes.
Windows Media video (for E-mail)
QuickTime movie (Normal)
QuickTime movie (for E-mail)
Saves files in a standard Macintosh file format.
Has lower image quality and smaller file sizes.