Fujitsu PDS4233W Flat Panel Television User Manual

Description of Input Terminals
DVI-D terminal (RGB 1 INPUT/DVI-D)
Pin No. Input signal Pin No. Input signal
1Red 9
2 Green 10 Ground
3 Blue 11
4 12
5 Ground 13 Horizontal synchronization
6 Ground 14 Vertical synchronization
7 Ground 15
8 Ground Frame Ground
RGB2 input terminal (RGB2 INPUT/mD-sub)
Pin No. Signal
1 DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
2 RD (Received Data)
3 TD (Transmit Data)
4 DTR (Data Terminal ready)
5 GND (Ground)
6 DSR (Data Set Ready)
7 RTS (Request To send)
8 CTS (Clear To Send)
9 RI (Ring Indication)
RS-232C terminal (RS-232C)