2007 Retail Catalog
Toll-Free Phone (877) 736-9270 Toll-Free Fax (800) 522-4542 M thru F, 8am to 5pm, Pacific
Hosa Technology, Inc.
2007 Product Catalog
Table of Contents
Microphone Preamplifi er 4
Direct Boxes (D.I.) 4
Switchers 5
Hum Eliminator 5
Cable Testers 5
Patch Bays & Cables 6—8
Stage & Studio 9—11
Digital Speakers 9
P.A. Systems & Mixers 9—10
Microphones 12
Data Links 12
Digital / Data / Computer Cables 13—17
Video Products 18—23
Visionary Series 18
Video Cables 18—22
Microphone Cables 24—25
Guitar / Instrument Cables 26—27
Speaker Cables 28—30
Single Interconnect 31—34
Tiny-Tel (Bantam) Cables 35
DMX Lighting Cables 35
Dual Interconnects 36—37
Mini (1/8”) Cables 38—39
Eight Channel Snakes 40—44
Stage Box Snakes 44—45
Y-Cables (including Send & Return) 46—49
Adaptors 50—53
Phoenix Adaptors 53
AC Power Cords & Adaptors 54—55
Lights 56
Cable Organizers 57
Gaffers Tape 57
Foot Switches 58
Equipment Racks 58
Headphones & Extension Cords 59
Stands 60—61
Cleaners, Lubricants, Polishes 62—63
Connectors 64—65
Bulk Cable 66
Connector Guide 68—69
Index 70—71
Contact Information
Hosa Technology, Inc.
6650 Caballero Blvd.
Buena Park CA 90620
(714) 736-9270 voice
(714) 522-4540 facsimile
Website: www.hosatech.com
Email: sales@hosatech.com
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pacific Time
All Hosa cables and adaptors, including hard-wired stage snakes with
stage boxes, purchased in the USA are warranted by Hosa Technology,
Inc. to be free of defects in material and workmanship for the lifetime
of the original purchaser. ALL OTHER Hosa products are warranted
for one year. Call us or visit our website for further details, limitations
and exclusions.
Where to Buy
1) Local Retailer
We encourage you to buy Hosa products from your
local retailer. You can visit our website
(www.hosatech.com) to find a retailer near you.
Additionally, most retailers are happy to special order
items that they don’t normally stock.
2) Internet
There are dozens of retailers on the internet. Some
are listed on our website. If you know the model num-
ber, try entering it into a search engine, like Google or
3) Order Direct
If you need a Hosa item, and can’t locate it locally or
through the web, you can order it directly from Hosa.
Call Toll-Free (877) 736-9270.
©2007 HOSA TECHNOLOGY, INC. Photos, Drawings And/Or
Text May Not Be Reproduced Photographically, Electronically, Or
By Any Other Means Without The Express, Written Consent Of
Hosa Technology, Inc. “Sony”, “Tascam & DA88”, “Alesis & Adat”,
“Fender and Fender Telecaster,” “Fostex”, “Yamaha”, “Akai”, “EDAC”,
“Mackie”, “Amphenol”, “Switchcraft” And “Neutrik” Are All Trademarks
Of Their Respective Companies. No Relationship To Hosa Is Implied.
Shipping: There will be a flat $5.00 ship-
ping charge for orders under $20.00. Orders
over $20.00 will receive free shipping. This
applies to UPS ground only. Expedited and
other shipping options are available, but will
be charged accordingly. Some restictions
apply, please call for details.
Prices subject to change without notice. Not responsible
for pictorial or typographical inaccuracies.